Forum Officiel du Final Fight Tournament
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Merci Brank d'attendre la réponse j'ai poser la question ici car c'est ici que Black a parler de sa(désolé nouret pour le hors sujet xD).
Je laisse l'organisation répondre à Legend, et je ferme le sujet.
Tout autre post sera supprimé.

on derive du sujet ... close ?
J'ai une question tu dit qu'on doit attendre 2 kill pour pop?

Sa fait pas un peu beaucoup?Et surtout c'est disproportioné non?
Un mec muret middle uper peut passer 15 min si il fait pas 2 kill c'est sa? es ce que sa inclu le fait qu'il touche 3 4 joueurs mais qu'il est tue pas ou il faut vraiment voir son nom s'afficher comme quoi il a tuer quelqu'un?

Je prefere savoir avant jeudi puisque je joue mon premier match contre Catli.
bon je suis de retour pour eclaircir tout ca :
le son fait partie du jeu et rien ne dit dans le reglement que cela doit etre sanctionne.
le pop pour camp est a mettre en application pour plus de deux kill dans la meme position en dehors des bases camp offensives.
la sanction pour le joueur cite precedemment est en discussion actuellement.

prozor don't worry for the next game i will be there and no more mistakes will be done by the referees.
the dunman case is not closed yet ,we will make a decision soon in the admin part of this form and u will be noticed as soon as possible.
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comme tu dit ossef ! on ssen fou :X
CoOl les gens vous prenez pas la tete pour ce genre de truc,l'histoire avce les 2k3 c'est du passé ca ne sert a rein de reagir comme ca .

faut de dire ossef on s'amusera mieu au prochain match

jcroi que j'ai un train de retard mais bon ossef koi
hum Prozor just one thing : I dont have played SoF2 since 4 or 5 months... how can u see any screen from me? and I never played with any map skins.

For others points :
We'll ban Dunman from the competition because his act (ban from a rent server) was illegal. nothing other!
Referee's mistakes are possibles, and are included in the competition, as football referees...
Hi Brank,

If the referees made right decisions, they would not have kicked/banned my members. Also then Dumann would never have done what he has done. I see this totally as a mistake of the referees, as they poped/kicked/banned only for wrong reasons. If you want proof, I can get you proof, because Dumann has made screenshots of every pop and kick.

Banning Dumann from the league is a weak action. If you do this, you should also ban the referees. And by the way, how can you know if Dumann won't play with a fake name? He also did this during the match vs SK and nobody noticed.

By the way Brank, you violate the rules, because you don't use the normal mp_kam2 map (I saw a screenshot from you in another post, which is deleted now).

Oh and Nico... You now admitted that you poped for the reasons that I told you in the other message. Black told me all of this was allowed (one defender, soundcamp like third, pinning the enemy) and you poped for that, so you made alot of mistakes. Pretty weird that you only poped the English people for this, while the French players did the same things. Can you explain that?


Message édité le 27-05-2006 à 14:03:37 par Proz0r
Hey Prozor
Ty for comin here

My english sux but I can ask you to stay on this league.
Dunman has made a mistake and will be banned from FFT for it. (as angry as he were, he cant take the servers he rent over to Ban. cause it's rape.)

I thinks the referees have done their job, and maybe they're wrong, but noone can affirm it.

BTW I can understand ur language but I'm not a kid


PS : Black have problems with his computer, but he will be back soon to explain with u.
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